It is now more than in the early days that the demand for web development and mobile development is rising crazily.

The technologies are evolving rapidly, bringing more new development concepts to the industry, such as accelerated mobile pages, progressive web applications, and single-page applications.

The increasing amount of technologies and different functionalities are getting available in the industry makes it more difficult for developers to choose from as no one solution can fit all. 

When it comes to software development, it is about creating all the groundwork for developing concepts to be deployed, and developers need a backend framework for that.

With many publishers available in the market, currently, one of the most important choices in web development is between web frameworks like Django and Laravel.

Many questions about Laravel or Django, which backend framework is best.

Both have great features, capabilities, and the ability to serve and exceed user demands across a range of industries.

The major difference between them is their source system.

Django is known for being an open-source web development platform built on Python using Model View Template, which is more preferred for sophisticated web applications.

But Laravel is built on a PHP-based open-source web development system using The Model View Controller framework. 

Laravel is mostly preferred for developing a content management system application offering a wide range of functions. So, you might be thinking, out of Laravel or Django, which backend framework is best?

The solutions are difficult to decide between.

Let’s compare Django and Laravel in detail to help you make the final decision.

In-depth information on Django:

Launched in 2005, Django was first introduced as a brilliant web development framework built on Python. Big online brands such as Mozilla, Instagram, Bitbuckets, etc.

Web applications are developed on Django.

This framework honors its main goal of making the web application construction process easier by providing seamless integrating solutions.

Django comes with a stand-alone functionality for software development and testing.

This platform offers an easy learning curve to the user with high scalability and supporting detailed documentation.

Django offers seamless collaboration with relational databases without a hitch. 

Comprehensive details on Laravel:

Laravel was launched years later than Django by Taylor ad Otwell on an open-source PHP system.

Hence, the users have to be thorough in their knowledge of PHP basics.

The majority of apps that fall under the category of content management systems use Laravel since it contains built-in features that simplify the development process and hence shorten the development time. 

When building a brand-new website from scratch, Laravel is a powerful feature that supports you throughout every stage of the web development process.

This framework offers HTML authentication, templating, server-side processing, and many other features.

As it’s based on MVC, a developer can effectively avoid writing HTML codes. 

Advantages and drawbacks of using Django and Laravel:


Everyone is aware of the fact that Python is one of the best programming languages available, thanks to its user-friendly structure, flexibility, and easy-to-learn design.

This is what makes Django an easy, free, and open source platform for the developer to go through the web development process and fully focus on designing and boosting the application performance.

Hence, Django is the perfect model for startups in need of web design to showcase their true vision and future potential.

This framework is fully-featured and highly secure, offering easy management. Since the platform is rather simple, it is extremely fast and rather scalable. 

To decide on Laravel or Django, which backend framework is best, one has to look at the disadvantages.

One of the primary drawbacks of using Django is that it is monolithic, so it is a single-tiered software application.

This backend framework is best for developing small-scale apps.

The developer has to have expertise in the python language before implementing this backend program, which can be challenging for new users. 


It is an open-source framework that offers sophisticated multipurpose business systems and is intuitive, simple to manage, and scalable.

The basic principle of the Laravel framework is that creating high-quality applications should be as easy and entertaining as using them.

Due to the abundance of developer-friendly features in the Laravel framework, specialists can concentrate on the core activities without being distracted by developing new code. 

Laravel uses many components from numerous other frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails, Yii, CodeIgniter, or Symfony, which makes it easier to develop applications.

If you need to drastically shorten the time it takes to build an app, Laravel web development is ideal for you. It offers an integrated authorization and authentication system and easy mail system integration.

Laravel is also great for providing efficient testing work automation.

If you are to know about the disadvantages Laravel comes with, then the key drawback would be, It lacks built-in features and requires third-party integration for developing custom websites.

Before working with Laravel, developers must be proficient in PHP. The platform works somewhat slowly. 

Key Comparison between Django and Laravel

  • Ease of learning

Learning curves are greatly dependent on individual abilities. Django should be quite simple to learn if you are at least somewhat familiar with Python’s syntax. It should not be difficult to understand as it’s developer-friendly. Although Laravel is considered to have a high learning curve, with resources like Laracasts and clear documentation, getting started with the framework and learning PHP shouldn’t be too difficult.

  • Performance

There are many studies that have been done on testing Laravel and Django to compare their performance. This makes it quite helpful with deciding whether Laravel or Django and which backend framework is best with regards to performance speed. It has been proved that Django operated 69k responses/second as Python is quite a speedy language, and Laravel runs at a humble speed of 8k responses/second.

  • Application Architecture

Application architecture is a crucial factor to take into account when developing a website since it enables you to customize your app to meet specific needs. Model-Template-View (MVT) architecture is used by Django, and Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture is used by Laravel. Django MVT’s template file, which contains HTML and the Django Template Language, makes it easier to create dynamic websites. Because each user can have a customized feed, it provides greater simplicity for managing various scenarios and allows for quick changes.

  • Security

Django takes security very seriously and aids developers in avoiding common web development blunders and putting some security best practices into place. Although Laravel covers the essentials of security, it falls short of Django’s level of security.

  • Simplification of testing 

Testing a Django-based software is easy because there are many tools available to make the process simpler. You may use its documentation directly to test the code at different stages and create a reliable, error-free application. Feature tests and unit tests are two separate levels of testing that Laravel uses to validate your code. Similar to Django, you may use its comprehensive testing documentation to test the code at several levels, including mock tests.

  • Developer Community

The communities for Django and Laravel are both very responsive and active. On Github, both groups have a sizable member base and help with giving feedback and modifications frequently. In either of these frameworks, if you ever get stuck at some stage, someone from the community will undoubtedly help you out.


Another kind of API is a RESTful API, which complies with the REST architecture and enables communication with RESTful services.  These APIs serve as a common ground Between users and the web services or resources they want to access. No in-built feature of Django supports the creation of APIs. In order to access APIs with Django, you need a library. Laravel, on the other hand, includes built-in API support.

The major differences between Django and Laravel:

  • Django is an advanced web framework based on Python, offering speedy development and clean design solutions, while Laravel offers a high-level web application framework with elegant syntax and other capabilities such as routing, authentication, sessions, caching, etc. 
  • While developers can get quick development mode with Laravel, along with application architecture, great community packages, an MVC model, and more, Django offers more rapid functionality, excellent packages, a larger community, advanced libraries, and easy to understand framework.
  • Django is a very scalable web framework that works flawlessly with various technologies like cloud computing, CDN solutions, etc. Laravel is more useful for growing businesses that don’t need high scalability in the early phase. But Laravel-based apps can be scaled with integrated technologies like AWS, MySQL, caching, etc.
  • The Django web framework uses an authentication mechanism to store, validate, and secure user passwords, IDs, and accounts. Thus, it eliminates Cross-site requests, clickjacking, XSS, forgery, and other cybersecurity issues. Laravel uses security techniques such as hashed or salted passwords, a BCrypt hashing algorithm, securing users from intercepting data, SQL injection, harmful cookies, etc. 
  • Django supports microservices for offering high versatility, built-in security, rapid deployment, etc. Laravel requires Lumen to support microservices.
  • Laravel might not show thorough explanations and examples, which can be challenging for beginners. The documentation for Django is comprehensive, clear, and instructive, with well-organized content. It also includes numerous cross-references for in-depth explanations and examples.

There can be many similarities between the apps that can be created using Django and Laravel. The only difference lies in the web application framework, where Django supports Python and Laravel supports PHP. This results in certain variations coming with libraries and functionality to satisfy various requirements. While Django can offer you more speed, scalability, and maintenance, Laravel offers ease of use due to simple features and strategy infusion. So you can choose the framework depending on which language and features are more to your preference.

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